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ents :: WoW Cataclysm

WoW Cataclysm

Dernier Article :: Archeology skill in World of Warcraft Cataklysm

As you probably already know – the new Warcraft expansion has been caused by an enormous, cataclism event which will destroy huge swathes of Azeroth. What happens afterward will leave two things – one, that many artifacts and items will be left underground (to be discovered by our players 

wow gold  in the future!)…two, that a huge amount of items and treasure that have previously been buried under Azeroth will now be uncovered to players that pick up the new profession – and the best part is that it’s free!

What do I mean by free? I mean that Archeology will be a secondary profession – what does that mean? It means that EVERYONE will be able to take Archaeology as a profession, and in fact, it will be able to give you access to a wide range of new storylines, quests, talents and abilities through wow gold kaufen the ‘Path of the Titans’ (but more of that later).

At shipping, World of Warcraft Cataclysm will offer the ability to have four or five glyph slots available to each player – which means there will be a rush on for people to level and train the profession as soon as possible.

This is all of the information that we have right now about the Archeology skill in World of Warcraft Cataklysm – if you have any questions about the different professions or skills in Cataclysm then get in touch with us right now and we’ll try to answer them. It’s an exciting new future ahead! Stay tuned for lots of more Wow Cataclysm Archaeology news in the coming weeks!
